Local Churches
Awaken Church
Thompson Road Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-440-4572
Website: www.awakencaz.com
Email: tsc7899@gmail.com
Cazenovia & Nelson United Methodist Churches
21 Lincklaen Street Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-3519
Fax: 315-655-8014
Website: www.cazenovianelsonumchurch.org
Email: caznelson@windstream.net
Contact: Rev. Ray Lange
Contact: Kevin McAllister, Pastor
Cazenovia Village Baptist Church
7 Seminary Street Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9276
Website: www.cazvbc.org
Email: secretary@cazvbc.org
Contact: Rev. Richard Dickinson
First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia
27 Albany Street Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-3191
Fax: 315-655-4285
Website: www.cazpres.org
Email: caz1stpresby@windstream.net
Contact: Rev. Steven R. Thomas, Jr. - Pastor
St. James Roman Catholic Church
6 Green Street Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-3441
Fax: 315-655-3442
Website: www.stjamescaz.com
Email: stjamesc@twcny.rr.com
Contact: Rev. Kevin Corcoran, Pastor
A Catholic faith community serving Cazenovia for over 160 years.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
10 Mill Street Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9063
Fax: 315-655-3734
Website: www.stpeterscaz.org
Email: parishoffice@stpeterscaz.org
Contact: Rev. Barb Schmitz, Interim Rector
Summit Church
PO Box 250 Cazenovia NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-5705
Website: www.summitchurchny.com
Email: info@summitchurchny.com
Summit Church is a casual contemporary Christian Church. Our service time is Sunday at 11:00am. Please check our website for other activities.
New Woodstock
Federated Church of New Woodstock
2069 Main Street New Woodstock NY 13122
Phone: 351-662-7219
Contact: Rev. Barney Freeborn
Open Door Baptist Church
3019 Route 13 New Woodstock NY 13122
Phone: 315-662-3215
Fax: 315-662-3794
Website: www.open-doorbaptist.org
Email: odbc1@juno.com
Contact: David DeLeon, Senior Pastor
Manlius United Methodist Church
111 Wesley Street - P.O. Box 177 Manlius NY 13104
Phone: 315-682-8021
Website: www.gbgm-umc.org/manliusumc
Email: manliusumc@aol.com
St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church
104 Academy Street Manlius NY 13104
Phone: 315-682-5181
Website: www.saintannschurch.com
Email: stannschurch@twcny.rr.com
Contact: Rev. Cliff Auth
Pompey Community Church
2555 Berwyn Riad LaFayette NY 13084
Phone: 315-677-3068
Website: http://www.pompeychurch.org
Email: office@pompeychurch.org
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